Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This morning we packed up to head to Latacunga.  It was hard to pull away from Quito but we had an amazing beginning to our stay in Latacunga.  We were privileged to bring a four month old baby with us.  His mother took off and they have been unable to find her.  The Tias were outside ready to welcome him to For His Children.  They were loving on him and taking lots of pictures. 

            After getting unpacked and going on a very detailed tour we went downstairs to get ready to take the children on a walk.  Ashley walked down the stairs and in about 30 seconds was dog piled by three children.  They wrestled on the floor until it was time to go.  Lots of laughs were had and only a couple bumps.  Our whole team, Jen, and one Tia took around 10 children on over a 2 mile, 2 hour walk.  The children did amazing and walked or were pushed in wheelchairs the whole way! 

            When we got back some of our team helped with feeding time and then we went out to eat at a pizza place.  We had cheese, Hawaiian, and meat pizza.  They were very good and had a bit sweeter taste than pizza in the US. 

            When we got back to the orphanage we took some time for devotions and to talk about our last couple days.  We are so thankful to be here and so thankful to everyone who helped us all get here.  It has been such a blessing to share God’s love with the children and to learn so many new things about different ministries here.  Our lives have become much brighter getting to know the children, Tias and For His Children Staff. 

 Loading up in Quito to head to Latacunga.

 Grocery shopping

 A very sweet young man came with us.
 Salomon the llama  
 PT room
 Elizabeth gave us a tour
 The boy's room
 The girl's room

 Dog pile

 The easy part of the walk

 The rough part of our walk
 Security System

 Calm down time before dinner

 2 Owls (one the wall), 2 Cows, 1 Llama

 Duck lips at dinner
 It's okay Jen has her eye on us:)

 Pizza making

 4 bikes--1 spot
 Yes we could reach out and touch him

 Pictures at the orphanage

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