Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First day in Quito

Our first full day at the Orphanage.  We started off with a tour of the houses and dove right in helping out with the children.  We were also blessed to unload 10 bags of donated items.  We then inventoried them and are very thankful to everyone who sent donations with us.  For lunch we had llapangachos (see picture below).  Followed by a trip to the Supermaxi for groceries.  We enjoyed seeing all the different foods and how they were packaged (did you know milk comes in a bag or box and mayo is in a bag?)  After unloading the groceries we went to the fruit market down the street and enjoyed trying a new fruit (see picture below of Ashley trying it) and getting smoothies.  Just before dinner we heard a presentation from Boris and Fernanda about their Dunamis Ministry (see below).  They joined us for dinner and many laughs were had!  After dinner we did a devotion and wound down for the night.  So thankful God has placed us all here.  
 Kilah is having fun with the toddlers.
 Ruth and Vern with the infants doing pool therapy.
 Shawna doing pool therapy.
 Feeding time!  Karen put the little girl to sleep!
 How do you spell ball in Spanish?  Jessica was playing ball and it became her word for the day.  "Pelota"
 Ella with the babies.
 Jessica playing peek a boo.
 These are the donated items that came in 10 checked bags with us.  Thank you everyone!  They are so excited to have everything we brought.
 This is the new fruit market.  We purchased guanabana, mango and kiwi among other new things.  We even had smoothies!  We will be going back soon!
 Boris, Zoe, and Fernanda with Dunamis Ministry, a ministry focused on teaching life skills to young women who have been victims of rape, sex trafficking, domestic abuse and labor trafficking.  Check them out on face book by searching for Familia Salinas - Dunamis and pray for them.
Jessica and a baby.
 We had llapingachos delivered for lunch.  They were delicious!  Everyone liked it.
 Very fat carrots.
The Baby House
 Ashley and Ella trying guanabana.
Jewelry that the girls from the Dunamis Ministry make to learn a new skill and to sell to earn money for when they go out on their own. 

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